Majority of Green voters in favour of nuclear power plants staying in operation

Whether Germany's nuclear power plants should continue to run in 2023 is currently the subject of much debate. The Greens are sceptical - their supporters less so.

A majority of Green voters are in favour of extending the operating lives of Germany's remaining nuclear power plants, according to a poll. 54 per cent were in favour of an extension in order to make the energy supply more independent of Russian gas, according to a representative poll conducted by the Insa polling institute for the "Bild am Sonntag" newspaper. 38 percent of Green voters were against continued operation.

In the population as a whole, 70 per cent are in favour of the extension, 20 per cent against and 10 per cent undecided.

Union and FDP campaign for continued operation of nuclear power plants

37 percent of the people in Germany also think that the Greens set the tone in the government coalition, compared to only 25 percent for the SPD and 20 percent for the FDP. 25 percent also consider the Greens to be the most credible (SPD: 22 percent, FDP: 15 percent).

Due to fears of a halt in Russian gas supplies, a possible extension of the operating times of the last three nuclear power plants still running in Germany, which according to current nuclear law would have to be taken off the grid at the end of December, is currently being discussed.

The CDU/CSU and FDP are campaigning to allow at least limited continued operation beyond the turn of the year. The SPD and especially the Greens remain sceptical. In the meantime, however, they too do not generally want to rule out at least temporary continued operation in the event of a crisis. Insa interviewed a total of 1,002 people for the survey on Friday.

